The Road Ahead

(Where do we go from here?)

The Road Ahead (Where do we go from here?) is now released in its "Director's cut" version, as of January 3rd, 2023.

This film is an allegory of how COVID treated us as a society. Slammed us in the face by surprise, had us bury people all over the place and ultimately left us somewhere we had never been before, clueless. Many of us faced our fears and our ego throughout this experience and some of us came out of it with an increased spirituality and a better connection to our higher self.

Martin Blais, actor, credit photo: Jules Nerestant 2022Martin Blais, director
DMOFF review and laurels for The Road Ahead short-film

This contest inspired me to write this short-film that was meant to illustrate how harsh and unsettling the pandemic has been in our normal day-to-day lives. I had an idea of the metaphor I wanted to make… I had a vision from the start, but had to do it under five minutes so that I could submit this short-film. Until I started editing this movie, I had never really realized how short five minutes really are… Hence…

The Extended Version is now available under the “Director’s cut” label.

I wanted to do justice to all the beautiful scenes that were shot during this project and all the efforts and time that were invested in the many weeks prior to shooting it and the exhaustive three days it took to film. Fun fact: everything you see in this movie was filmed with my own personnal iPhone.

Thanks for taking the time to watch the movie, I sincerely hope you found it entertaining.

I initially wrote and produced The Road Ahead in order to participate in the 2021 Mini Movie Fest on the website. The rules were simple. We had to mention the line “Where do we go from here?” somewhere within the movie, and it had to be 5 minutes or less.

Our movie has won “Best Short Film Critics Award” at the “Direct Monthly Online Film Festival (DMOFF)” (Canton, MI, USA), has been selected as a finalist at the “Only The Best Film Awards” (Miami, FL, USA), has been selected as semi-finalist at the “Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival” (Moscow, Russian Federation), has been awared the “Honorable Mention” in the Best Short-Film category at the “Golden Sparrow International Film Festival” (Sirkali, India) and at the “International Smyrna Movie Festival” (Izmir, Turkey). It has been featured in the 2021 Mini Movie Fest, has been selected for a Lift-Off Online Sessions feature and has been selected to be featured during The Tylerman Film Festival in Wheaton, Illinois (USA) on August 28th, 2021. Where do we go from here?
