Short Film


Ricochets Un court-métrage réalisé par Mathieu Dodier. Plus de détails à suivre bientôt... ;) C'était un vrai privilège de faire partie de la distribution de ce film extraordinaire. Bien hâte de voir le film. CRÉDITS Réalisation : Mathieu Dodier Scénario : Mathieu Dodier Casting



Pique-nique Un court-métrage qui explore les zones grises entre justice et amour. Valérie Wilson, une femme déterminée à découvrir la vérité et à affronter son passé. Bien heureux d'avoir fait partie de la distribution de ce film écrit, produit et réalisé par Joël Joazard. Une belle équipe de gens passionés et


In the Name of Clericalism

Padre Virginio Rotondi In the Name of Clericalism is a short-film that was produced and directed by Joshua Oliver. It was very interesting to be part of this project. Playing a part completely in Italian was a great challenge. Having learned Italian several years ago but losing it over time for not

In the Name of Clericalism2022-07-03T13:33:06-04:00


The insanely sick patient Coming soon. Coming soon... Claude, police sergeant detective, is called to a small village to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a man in his forties. One evening, after a few days in the village, a clue leads him to meet Nina,



COVERT-19 The Sniper A sniper and his spotter are working hard at trying to eradicate a very potent enemy. The short-film COVERT-19 (Letting out) was projected during Kino-Kabaret's 2021 "Bloc 1" on September 24th at "Le Club Soda". More details on the contest can be found here


Light Blind

The barman Light Blind (L'Éblouissement) is a short-film that was directed by Olivier Gilbert. It was very interesting to be part of this project. Olivier was efficient on set and managed his crew well enough to keep things going at a steady pace. As the barman, I got to discuss with Hélene

Light Blind2021-10-22T15:39:16-04:00

About Me

I began acting at the age of 25. I consider myself a multidisciplinary artist and love to express art in an array of manners. I am passionate about acting and love to delve into a character.

Past projects

Why I…